New Student Registration Information

This information is for students who are NEW TO OUR SCHOOL

The packet must be COMPLETELY filled out or it will not be accepted. 

You can email a complete packet to Kelly Fisher Email Kelly Fisher

  • Step 1

    Complete the registration packet.

  • Step 2

    Provide Two proofs of residency (examples: utility bills, rental agreements, mortage statements, etc.)

    Bring the registering parents/gaurdian's ID.

    Bring in your two proofs to the school registrar.

  • Step 3

    Bring your student's Birth Certificate. 

  • Step 4

    Immunization Record. Provide either the record or your personal exemption form. (You get it after doing the module at this link.) Bring either form in with your packet. There is a fill in Immunization Record form included in the packet.

  • Step 5

    Check-Out Form from the last school you attended. This applies mainly to NEW incoming 8th graders and 9th graders. 7th graders coming in at the beginning of school year will just need to list the name of their previous school.

For Resource Students we need a copy of the IEP with your registration packet.

For Bus Information Click Here.

Registration Packet (English)

Paquete De InscripciĆ³n (EspaƱol)