7th Grade Registration Information

7th Grade Electives
7th Graders take 8 classes. Some are Required classes and some are Elective classes. You get to pick 4 semesters of electives! Year classes take up 2 semesters. You also need to pick 4 semesters of "Alternates" in case the classes you want are full.
Scroll through the page to see the Elective class descriptions and videos of the teachers explaining their classes. You will register in student portal. 7th Grade Form
Concerned About Fitting in All Your Electives?
Talk to your counselor.
Art 1: Semester, Grade 7-9 ($25 Fee)
This class teaches you how to draw! We will learn and practice observation, proportion, shading, and perspective. We will learn to use a variety of materials such as drawing pencils, charcoal, colored pencils, pastels, paints, and watercolors. Note for 9th graders: This class will earn you elective credit, but not a fine arts credit.
Art 2 (Drawing): Semester, Grade 7-9 ($25 Fee)
This class explores fun two-dimensional art materials such as scratchboard, acrylic paint, and digital photography and editing. We will build on the drawing skills learned in Art 1 to create more advanced and finished works of art. Prerequisite: Art 1. Repeatable for credit.
Art 1 | Art 2
Drama 1: Semester, Grade 7-9 ($15 Fee)
In Drama 1 you will learn to act! You will explore performance and theater, read plays, and see a musical. Some of the activities include: filming a newscast with a GREEN SCREEN, creating stuffed animal skits, learning and applying bruise and cut make-up, acting, playwriting. Students gain the ability to use their imagination, speak loud and clear in front of others, and learn to use your body to tell a story. You will gain skills to combat “stage fright.” This course is a prerequisite for Drama 2, and Musical Theater.
Drama 2 (School Play): Semester, Grade 7-9 ($15 Fee)
In Drama 2 we rehearse and prepare the after school play. The school play is different every year, but it is performed in the Black Box Theatre (Drama Room). Most of the rehearsals are in class, but there might be some after school rehearsals the week before the play. This class IS NOT the musical. Prerequisite: Drama 1. Repeatable for credit.
Musical Theater: Year, Grade 7-9 ($15 Fee)
In Musical Theater students are cast in the school musical. The musical is rehearsed in class only with 3 evening performances. The class is co-taught by Ms. Broberg and Mrs. Stone. The musical for the 2024-2025 school year is Into the Woods. We have not chosen the musical for 2025-2026 yet.
7th graders can take this class if they also register for Drama 1 AND Mens/Womens Choir. Repeatable for credit.
Musical Performance Dates Are: May 7-9, 2025
Drama 1 | Drama 2 | Musical Theater
Women's Choir: Semester, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
In WOMEN’S CHOIR you will learn the basics of good singing and music reading! You will explore and begin to understand how music works and how your voice is a unique and beautiful instrument. Some of the activities include: Rhythm reading and creation, note reading, singing melodies and harmonies as a group, solo opportunities, music listening, and a quarterly choir performance. Students gain the ability to: create music, read music, sing confidently in front of others, and gain an appreciation for music in our culture and society. This class is a great confidence builder! This course is a prerequisite for Spartan Choir, and Spartones, and Musical Theater. Repeatable for credit.
Men's Choir: Semester, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
In MEN’S CHOIR you will learn the basics of good singing and music reading! You will explore and begin to understand how music works and how your voice is a unique and amazing instrument. Some of the activities include: Rhythm reading and creation, note reading, singing melodies and harmonies as a group, solo opportunities, beat boxing basics, music listening, and a quarterly choir performance. Students gain the ability to: create music, read music, sing confidently in front of others, and gain an appreciation for music in our culture and society. This class is a great confidence builder! This course is a prerequisite for Spartones, and Musical Theater. Repeatable for credit.
Music Appreciation: Semester, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
Music Appreciation is a fine arts class offered to 7th, 8th or 9th grade students. In this class students will learn about the basics of music reading, writing and composition. They will also study music history, world music, and the history of Rock and Roll. We will experience music through a variety of activities that include listening, appreciating and creating music together and individually. Repeatable for credit.
Women's Choir | Men's Choir | Music Appreciation
Beginning Woodwinds : Year, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
No music experience required. Instruments taught: flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, bari saxophone. Students who wish to play the saxophone will start on the clarinet and then switch to the saxophone. All students will learn how to read music and play their instruments with good tone and musicality. Classroom activities will include playing, music reading, music writing, etc. Students will gain the ability to play, read, create, and perform. This group will perform in four concerts during the school year. Field trips are a part of this class. Instruments available for rent from the school.
Beginning Brass : Year, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
Instruments taught: trumpet, French Horn, trombone, baritone, and tuba. Students who wish to play the French horn will start on the trumpet and then switch to the French Horn. All students will learn how to read music and play their instruments with good tone and musicality. Classroom activities will include playing, music reading, music writing, etc. Students will gain the ability to play, read, create, and perform. This group will perform in four concerts during the school year. Field trips are a part of this class. Instruments available for rent from the school.
Beginning Percussion : Year, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
No music experience required. Instruments taught: snare drum, mallet percussion (marimba, xylophone, bells, vibraphone), bass drum, timpani, hand drums, and all small percussion instruments. All students will learn how to read music and play their instruments with good tone and musicality. Classroom activities will include playing, music reading, music writing, etc. Students will gain the ability to play, read, create, and perform. This group will perform in four concerts during the school year. Field trips are a part of this class. Instruments available for rent from the school.
Beginning Orchestra : Year, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
No music experience required. Instruments taught: violin, viola, cello, bass. All students will learn how to read music and play their instruments with good tone and musicality. Classroom activities will include playing, music reading, music writing, etc. Students will gain the ability to play, read, create, and perform. This group will perform in four concerts during the school year. Field trips are a part of this class. Instruments available for rent from the school.
Advanced Orchestra : Year, Grade 7-9 ($20 Fee)
7th grade students may audition for placement in the advanced classes.
Beginning Bands | Orchestra
Creative Writing
Creative Writing: Semester, Grade 7-9
This class teaches you how to write stories and poetry! We will learn and practice how to create interesting characters, build suspenseful plotlines, create meaningful dialogue, methods of starting and ending stories, and write with descriptive language that captures a reader’s imagination. We will explore a variety of genres and writing styles. Each semester will have unique lessons and skills, so select once for semester or select it twice to register for a full year of creativity and storytelling! Note to 9th graders: This class will earn elective English credit.
Creative Writing
Gateway 3D Modeling: Semester, Grade 7-8 ($10 Fee)
This class is geared towards becoming an engineer and learning the basics of design and its process. Students will learn to take their ideas and put them on paper and then model them on a computer which can then be 3D printed. Students will work to design, sketch, and build prototypes and prosthetics to help real life clients with cerebral palsy. Students will then follow that same design process to create a puzzle cube that will be able to take home.
Gateway App Design: Semester, Grade 7 ($10 Fee)
Students will have the opportunity to learn how to code and make apps. This course will introduce students to the basics of algorithms and will utilize block coding to design their apps. Those that work ahead and finish early will have the opportunity to code and work with drones. The majority of the time is spent on a computer designing the user interface of the app and then working on the functional side (code) of the app. Students will design their apps on MIT App Inventor 2 and will learn parts of Scratch and Code.org.
Gateway 3D Modeling
Foreign Language Classes
Spanish 1: Year, Grade 7-9
This course is an exploration of Spanish. Basic vocabulary and phrases that include greetings, farewells, numbers, alphabet, activities, descriptions, school, weather, and family will be covered. The Hispanic culture will also be introduced. This course CANNOT be repeated. If you took Spanish 1 in 7th or 8th grade you should register for Spanish 2.
Spanish 1
Chinese 3: Year, Grade 7
This class is only offered for the students who have participated in the immersion program through elementary. This class will build on the knowledge gained from the student’s experience in the immersion program.
Chinese Immersion
Additional Classes
Some additional classes taught here at South Ogden Junior High Include:
Student Government, Year, by elections and application. This class is year long and takes the place of an elective.
Reading Skills, Semester